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Красноярск, ул. Маерчака 10,
БЦ Баланс, 22 этаж

Sauna Complex

The sauna complex includes a classic Turkish bath (hammam), a proven Finnish sauna, an irreplaceable Russian sauna (banya) and spa massage pool with a pebble beach. The beauty of the surrounding area will aesthetically complement your visit.


A unique spa club pool has additional therapeutic effects on the body: increases the effectiveness of SPA procedures, helps to relax and recover after training or a hard day at work!

Finnish sauna

Finnish sauna – an excellent means of rejuvenation, cleansing the body of toxins and body conditioning. Dry heat provides oxygen to the tissues, which improves metabolism, benefits the muscle tone and makes your skin more elastic and firm.

Turkish Hammam

Hammam –is a place where you will be surrounded by the soft heat and steam, dimmed lights and a magical power of aromas which will help you find true harmony for your body and soul. Hammam is a great experience, plunging you into the atmosphere of bliss!

Russian banya

Relaxing in a Russian steam sauna – is not only healthy, but it will also help you go through a ritual purification of the soul and body under the guidance of an experienced professional. A great addition to this type of leisure is a fantastic herbal tea.